WRP staff and local Trout Unlimited volunteers delivered 1,600 brook trout eggs to White River valley schools today to kick-off the 2020 Trout in the Classroom (TIC) program!
Students will raise brook trout in chilled tanks in their classrooms through the winter months to learn more about early trout development and anatomy, habitat, water chemistry, life cycles, and more. In the spring students and teachers will release the brook trout fry into the river in locations approved by VT Fish & Wildlife.
The brook trout eggs started their journey at the Dwight D. Eisenhower National Fish Hatchery in Chittenden. Hatchery staff placed eggs into yogurt containers for safe passage, which WRP staff and Trout Unlimited volunteers delivered to 16 schools across the White River watershed.
Each school had prepared to receive 100 brook trout eggs by filling a 30-gallon, insulated fish tank and chilling the water to 43 degrees F. Students transferred the eggs from the yogurt container into “net breeders,” which are small nets suspended at the top of the tank. Eggs will remain in the nets until they hatch, usually in 3-5 weeks.
TIC is a program sponsored nationally by Trout Unlimited (TU), at the state level by the TU VT Council, and locally by regional TU chapters. In the White River watershed, the WRP partners with the Greater Upper Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited (GUVTU) to engage watershed schools in TIC as part of our Monitoring the White River education program.
Thanks to everyone who helped make the 2020 TIC kick-off a success, including WRP staff, Ed Finley from GUVTU, the folks at the Eisenhower Hatchery, Joe Mark from the TU VT Council, and all of the participating schools, teachers, and students!
Posted: August 31, 2020 by Dan Ruddell
2019 Annual Report
We are pleased to share our 2019 Annual Report, which highlights our collective work to improve the long-term health of the White River watershed over the course of the last year.
Thank you to Michelle Davis for designing the report!
Posted: July 24, 2020 by wrp_admin
Annual Meeting & “Open” Board seats
The WRP’s 2020 Annual Meeting will be on Saturday, October 24. We won’t be meeting in-person this year, but we hope you’ll join us virtually to celebrate our collective good work to improve the White River watershed in 2020!
We’ll share more details in the coming months.
Announcing “Open” Board seats
There are 3 “open” Board seats in 2020 and we invite YOU to consider being a Board Member candidate. WRP Members* interested in being considered as a Board Member candidate should:
*WRP Members who are 18 years or older have the right to elect Board Members and to serve as a Board Member, if interested. Board members will be elected at the 2020 Annual Meeting on Saturday, October 24.
**Via email to WRP Executive Director Mary Russ: mary[at]whiteriverpartnership.com.
Posted: January 8, 2020 by wrp_admin
WRP coordinates Trout in the Classroom egg delivery
WRP staff and local Trout Unlimited volunteers delivered 1,600 brook trout eggs to White River valley schools today to kick-off the 2020 Trout in the Classroom (TIC) program!
Students will raise brook trout in chilled tanks in their classrooms through the winter months to learn more about early trout development and anatomy, habitat, water chemistry, life cycles, and more. In the spring students and teachers will release the brook trout fry into the river in locations approved by VT Fish & Wildlife.
The brook trout eggs started their journey at the Dwight D. Eisenhower National Fish Hatchery in Chittenden. Hatchery staff placed eggs into yogurt containers for safe passage, which WRP staff and Trout Unlimited volunteers delivered to 16 schools across the White River watershed.
Each school had prepared to receive 100 brook trout eggs by filling a 30-gallon, insulated fish tank and chilling the water to 43 degrees F. Students transferred the eggs from the yogurt container into “net breeders,” which are small nets suspended at the top of the tank. Eggs will remain in the nets until they hatch, usually in 3-5 weeks.
TIC is a program sponsored nationally by Trout Unlimited (TU), at the state level by the TU VT Council, and locally by regional TU chapters. In the White River watershed, the WRP partners with the Greater Upper Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited (GUVTU) to engage watershed schools in TIC as part of our Monitoring the White River education program.
Thanks to everyone who helped make the 2020 TIC kick-off a success, including WRP staff, Ed Finley from GUVTU, the folks at the Eisenhower Hatchery, Joe Mark from the TU VT Council, and all of the participating schools, teachers, and students!