(802) 763-7733 info@whiteriverpartnership.org 4266 VT Rte. 14, South Royalton, VT 05068

Partner Information

Below is a list of government agencies and non-profit organizations that the WRP routinely collaborates with and often refers community members to, depending on their needs and interests.


Green Mountain National Forest – Provides technical assistance on river restoration projects.
Rochester Office: 802-767-4261

US Fish & Wildlife Service – Coordinates Partners for Fish & Wildlife Program, which supports habitat restoration on private lands.
Main Office: 802-872-0629

US Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service – Coordinates Farm Bill programs designed to help landowners voluntarily implement conservation measures on their property.
Main Office: 802-828-4493


VT Agency of Agriculture, Food, & Markets
Main Office: 828-2500

VT Department of Environmental Conservation
Main Office: 241-3800
Stream Alteration Permitting: 476-2679
Solid Waste Management: 241-3444
Water Supply: 241-3400
Water Quality: 241-3770

VT Department of Fish & Wildlife
Main Office: 241-3700

VT Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation
Main Office: 241-3670
Windsor County Forester: 281-5262


Connecticut River Joint Commissions – Offers a wealth of information and resources about protecting and restoring the greater Connecticut River watershed.
Main Office: 603-826-4800

Connecticut River Watershed Council – Works to protect the Connecticut River from source to sea.
Main Office: 413-772-2020

Trout Unlimited – The White River Watershed chapter of Trout Unlimited works to restore cold-water fisheries in the Upper Valley region of Vermont and New Hampshire.
Contact: whiterivertu@yahoo.com

Two Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Planning Commission – Provides technical planning services to town officials and organizations, and acts as a resource to local government.
Main Office: 802-457-3188

Upper Valley Land Trust – Works with individuals and communities to permanently protect land and water resources in 6 White River watershed towns (Chelsea, Tunbridge, Royalton, Sharon, Pomfret, and Hartford).
Main Office: 603-643-6626

Vermont Land Trust – Works with individuals, organizations and communities to conserve land for the future of Vermont.
Main Office: 802-223-5234

Vermont River Conservancy – Works to preserve undeveloped land along rivers, lakes, and wetlands of Vermont to protect public access, wildlife habitat, scenic natural beauty, and ecological integrity.
Main Office: 802-229-0820