A free public event on Friday, July 10 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm will celebrate the permanent protection of “Pinch Rock,” a treasured swimming hole and fishing spot on the White River in Royalton.
Pinch Rock is a bedrock outcropping located opposite 3272 Route 14 in Royalton, which provides swimmers, anglers, and tubers convenient and safe access to the White River. After flooding from Tropical Storm Irene severely eroded the banks, parking along Route 14 has been reestablished, access improved with a stone stairway to the river, and trees planted by the White River Partnership.
In May Royalton resident Peg Elmer generously donated this riverside property, including the rock, to the Vermont River Conservancy. VRC will hold a perpetual public access and conservation easement on the parcel, and convey ownership to the Town of Royalton this summer.
Funding for the river access protection project was provided by individual donors to the White River Partnership’s 2010 Landscape Auction and the Vermont River Conservancy’s Canute Dalmasse Legacy Fund.
The July 10 celebration will start at the Pinch Rock access site at 5pm, and will include a site tour and sign unveiling, followed by a short (40-60 minutes by tube) river trip from Pinch Rock to the South Royalton bridge, and ending with a community potluck meal on the Vermont Law School lawn. Attendees should provide tubes and a potluck dish to share. A carpool will be provided from the Vermont Law School parking lot starting at 4:30pm.
To RSVP please call 802-763-7733 or email info[at]whiteriverpartnership.com.
Celebration planned at White River access site in Royalton
Posted: June 30, 2015 by wrp_admin
A free public event on Friday, July 10 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm will celebrate the permanent protection of “Pinch Rock,” a treasured swimming hole and fishing spot on the White River in Royalton.
Pinch Rock is a bedrock outcropping located opposite 3272 Route 14 in Royalton, which provides swimmers, anglers, and tubers convenient and safe access to the White River. After flooding from Tropical Storm Irene severely eroded the banks, parking along Route 14 has been reestablished, access improved with a stone stairway to the river, and trees planted by the White River Partnership.
In May Royalton resident Peg Elmer generously donated this riverside property, including the rock, to the Vermont River Conservancy. VRC will hold a perpetual public access and conservation easement on the parcel, and convey ownership to the Town of Royalton this summer.
Funding for the river access protection project was provided by individual donors to the White River Partnership’s 2010 Landscape Auction and the Vermont River Conservancy’s Canute Dalmasse Legacy Fund.
The July 10 celebration will start at the Pinch Rock access site at 5pm, and will include a site tour and sign unveiling, followed by a short (40-60 minutes by tube) river trip from Pinch Rock to the South Royalton bridge, and ending with a community potluck meal on the Vermont Law School lawn. Attendees should provide tubes and a potluck dish to share. A carpool will be provided from the Vermont Law School parking lot starting at 4:30pm.
To RSVP please call 802-763-7733 or email info[at]whiteriverpartnership.com.
Category: Uncategorized