Timber frame raffle
August 10, 2009
CONGRATULATIONS to Art Stacy from Sharon for winning the timberframe raffle!!
Three watershed woodworkers teamed up to donate a timberframe to the WRP in 2009: Carl Russell & Lisa McCrory of Earthwise Farm and Forest donated white pine and hemlock timbers from their forest in Bethel; Greg Russ, a self-employed woodworker in Royalton, cut the timberframe; and Don Carbino of River Bend Post & Beam donated shop space for production and storage. The final product is a 12×16-foot structure that can be used for a tool shed, a sugar shack, a small garage, or even a camp.
The WRP sold nearly 500 raffle tickets this summer and fall, and held the drawing at our fall Annual Meeting. THANK YOU to everyone who purchased tickets to support this successful fundraiser!
Timber frame raffle
Posted: August 10, 2009 by wrp_admin
Timber frame raffle
August 10, 2009
CONGRATULATIONS to Art Stacy from Sharon for winning the timberframe raffle!!
Three watershed woodworkers teamed up to donate a timberframe to the WRP in 2009: Carl Russell & Lisa McCrory of Earthwise Farm and Forest donated white pine and hemlock timbers from their forest in Bethel; Greg Russ, a self-employed woodworker in Royalton, cut the timberframe; and Don Carbino of River Bend Post & Beam donated shop space for production and storage. The final product is a 12×16-foot structure that can be used for a tool shed, a sugar shack, a small garage, or even a camp.
The WRP sold nearly 500 raffle tickets this summer and fall, and held the drawing at our fall Annual Meeting. THANK YOU to everyone who purchased tickets to support this successful fundraiser!
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