Volunteers improve access to White River

Working on the stone steps

On July 12 a group of 10 Russian students from Project Harmony International, along with WRP, Vermont River Conservancy, and Project Harmony staff, improved public access to the White River at Clifford Park in West Hartford, VT.

Clearing the trail

In 4 hours the students built a 10-step stone staircase leading down to the river’s edge; cleared and widened a second path; and installed 2 signs to alert both park and river users about the access trails. These projects will not only improve access for users, but also reduce erosion from the park’s trails into the river.

Installing a sign

Clifford Park is one of 3 town-owned parks maintained by the Hartford Parks & Recreation Department along the newly-formed White River Paddle Trail. The town has a long history of partnering with the WRP on river restoration projects – after Tropical Storm Irene, the WRP worked with the town, Community College of Vermont, and 150 volunteers to restore riparian vegetation along the length of the flood-damaged Clifford Park.

The White River Paddle Trail includes 30+ sites, and extends from the White River’s headwaters in Granville to its confluence with the Connecticut River in White River Junction. The impressive work done by the Project Harmony volunteers was the first official access improvement project along the White River Paddle Trail; there are several more projects planned for this summer.

For more information

Contact Jim Armbruster: jim[at]whiteriverpartnership.com or 802-763-7733.